Purchasing the Right Metal Brackets for Your Outdoor Broom


The performance of outdoor brooms depends on the reliability of the connecting brackets. In simple terms, this component is designed and built to secure the handle to the brush head. If the installed bracket is not sturdy and durable, the broom will fall apart fast. After all, these tools experience a lot of stress during outdoor cleaning. Therefore, you should purchase a good broom with sturdy metal brackets. Alternatively, you can get the units separately and use them for securing your broom handles to new brush heads for convenience. Regardless of your needs, here are simple tips for obtaining metal broom brackets.

Check the Material

You should evaluate the type of metal used in fabricating the brackets. Keep in mind that all materials are not equal. If you choose an unreliable option, you will have to deal with accelerated failure. Under normal circumstances, you should opt for galvanised steel brackets. These are tough and resilient, and they can withstand exposure to adverse conditions like moisture and bleach. However, if you intend to use the broom for dry sweeping, you can choose simple carbon steel.

Consider the Handles

It is essential to know the type of handle to which the brackets will be connected. This information will be useful in finding products with optimal compatibility. Usually, these units have predetermined specifications on the diameter of the attached handles. Therefore, you should evaluate the brooms that you have on your premises. If you acquire pre-installed brackets, you will have to choose the same broom handle size when reusing the metal components.

Evaluate the Holes

Metal broom brackets should have predrilled holes. In general, these products are sold in this simple and convenient form, which allows for quick installation. If there are no appropriate holes, it will be hard to connect the handle and the brush head. You might need a specialised drill for the task. When evaluating the holes, you should look at their positions. Make sure that the placement is compatible with the intended application. If the positioning is unsuitable, you will not achieve the best results.

Look for Fasteners

Finally, it is advisable to inquire about the fasteners for the metal brackets before finalising your purchase. The vendor might not include the connectors with the main product. However, they should provide information about the right fasteners for use. For instance, some brackets can be installed using threaded screws, while others will require nails. It is crucial to have comprehensive details to avoid inconveniences when fixing your broom.


8 February 2021

My Cool Guide to Industrial Supplies

Hey, there! My name is Dan. If you are looking for a cool new guide to industrial supplies, you have come to the right place. The articles I have published on this blog will help you to develop your understanding of different types of industrial supplies. I'm no expert when it comes to this subject but I'm married to a man who works in this sector. Over the years, he has taught me lots of cool things about his work and I thought it only fair to share some of my knowledge here. I hope you enjoy reading this blog.