Since hiring a boom lift is an inexpensive way to go about accessing the services of a boom lift, you need to take precautions to ensure you do not damage it. Damaging a boom lift can not only lead to incurring of additional costs but stalling of your project. You do not want either; here are some tips to consider to ensure the hired boom lift remains in great working condition.
Always Determine Your Needs and the Terrain of the Construction Site
This ensures you get the correct boom lift for your project needs. If you pick a boom lift that does not match the terrain of your site or your needs, you might end up using it the wrong way or straining its functionality. Before you know it, you will have damaged various components. What should you do?
Find out whether the terrain of the site is rough, uneven, flat or even. Inform the boom lift hire company so that you get a boom lift that is compatible with your terrain. Also, find out the maximum height you might need the boom lift to reach and if you might need to access corners at angles. This helps you figure out whether to get a knuckled articulating boom lift or a telescopic boom lift.
Wet or Dry Hire
If you know you do not want to risk operator-caused damage or you do not have a trained and competent boom lift operator, choose a wet hire. The boom lift hire company provides a competent boom lift operator in a wet hire. Only choose a dry hire if you know you have a qualified operator. Some boom lift hire companies may not offer or allow you to choose dry hire if you lack a competent operator holding all relevant licences and documentation.
Boom Lift Hire Agreement
Read this agreement fully and understand each clause. Do not sign it until you have understood it. If there are unclear areas, ask for an interpretation. The agreement gives an outline of things you should and shouldn't do and also gives a guide of how to maintain the boom lift. If you do not want problems, ensure you understand the agreement.
Boom Lift Specialist
When hiring a boom lift, it is important to invite a boom lift specialist to help you inspect the condition of the boom lift before hire. Even though the boom lift hire company may have a specialist in their service, it wouldn't hurt to have a second pair of eyes. You don't want to hire a faulty boom lift that might break down in your possession.
Share19 November 2019
Hey, there! My name is Dan. If you are looking for a cool new guide to industrial supplies, you have come to the right place. The articles I have published on this blog will help you to develop your understanding of different types of industrial supplies. I'm no expert when it comes to this subject but I'm married to a man who works in this sector. Over the years, he has taught me lots of cool things about his work and I thought it only fair to share some of my knowledge here. I hope you enjoy reading this blog.